Wednesday, November 6, 2013

On to the VCAP5-DCD

Today I finished sitting the VMware 5.x Design Workshop course.  It was pretty high level but worth taking a part in. 

I've as well officially started studying to take my VCAP5-DCD exam.  My plans are to take it at the end of December or early January. 

Wish me luck!

Monday, November 4, 2013

I PASSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm not too proud to let everyone know that I didn't pass my first time.  I took it the first time while I was at VMworld 2013 in San Francisco.  I took the test on a Sunday and received my email the next Thursday.  I was heartbroken butI wasn't going to let that get me down.

I spent the next 3 weeks studying a few more items now knowing better what to expect.  I took the exam again at the end of September.

I PASSED MY VCAP5-DCA exam and received notice on October 1, 2013!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I was ecstatic! 

A Special thanks to my family, my God, as well as @ @ @ @ @er @ @ for their study helps and inspiration.  I couldn't have done it without you.


Where did the time go?

Have you ever experienced a time where you were so engrossed in studying and preparing for an exam that all other items ceased to get any time and attention?  Well...that is what happened to me.  I wouldn't allow my family to forget who I was so between my family and studying, that is all I had time for. 

But some good news..........