Friday, June 28, 2013

Week two study items (06/27/2013 - 07/03/2013)

VCAP5-DCA Section 2.1 - 2.4:

This week I'm working on the 2nd section of the VCAP5-DCA exam blueprint Version 2.4.  The second section goes over implementing and managing networking. 

What I'm using:

1 - TrainSignal - VMware vSphere Optimize and Scale (VCAP5-DCA) online course
  • Lessons 5 - 8
2 -

3 -
  • Objective 2.1 - 2.4
4 - VMware vSphere 5.1 Networking Guide:

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

This weeks study items (06/20/2013 - 06/26/2013)

VCAP5-DCA Section 1.1, 1.2 & 1.3 -

This week I'm finishing the 1st section of the VCAP5-DCA exam blueprint Version 2.4.  The first section goes over implementing and managing storage in a virtual environment. 

What I'm using:

1 - TrainSignal - VMware vSphere Optimize and Scale (VCAP5-DCA) online course
  • Lessons 1 - 4
2 -

3 -
  • Objective 1.1, 1.2, 1.3
4 - VMware vSphere 5.1 Storage Guide:

Friday, June 21, 2013

TrainSignal - VMware vSphere Optimize and Scale (VCAP5-DCA)

Today I signed up for my free 3 day trial of all courses TrainSignal.  $50 bucks a months is a steal for all of the courses available.  Today I started on course "VMware vSphere Optimize and Scale (VCAP5-DCA)".  I took the VMware course of the same name back in October of 2012.  Great class.  I'm going to take the course again through TrainSignal as a start to my VCAP5-DCA training regimen. 

Wish me luck..........

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

VMware vCenter Log Insight

Today I installed VMware vCenter Log Insight in my lab.  I was introduced to it during the VMware VMTN Podcast last week.  Here is a link to the blog:

"VMware vCenter™ Log Insight™ delivers automated log management through log analytics, aggregation and search, extending VMware’s leadership in analytics to log data. With an integrated cloud operations management approach, it provides the operational intelligence and enterprise-wide visibility needed to proactively enable service levels and operational efficiency in dynamic hybrid cloud environments."  (VMware, 2013)   

I was very impressed at the ease of installation.  I was even more impressed at how easy it was to extract information from the collected log data.  Not 15 minutes after I started reviewing the data I found that I had an issue with disk latency that requires my attention. 

I was going to go through the installation in this blog but after going through the install using the "getting started guide" provided by VMware, why reinvent a perfectly formed wheel?  Below is the link to the guide.

Take a minute and join the VMware Community and download the beta.  It will be well worth your while.

References:  VMware. (2013). Vmware vcenter log insight. Retrieved from

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Autolab Task 6 - Add vSphere Management Assistant

Task 6 briefly explains about why you'd want to install the VMA in your lab.  The biggest reason I installed it is because I'm studying for my VCAP5-DCA.  The next reason?  Practice.  The ovf import is very straight forward.  I only ran into two minor issues during the deployment.

1 - In the document it mentions that you can't use the lab default password and to use a more complex version of that password.  I tried to use "that" more complex password and it failed.  I can only imagine that it was a length issue.  I used a similarly complex password that was longer and it worked without issue.

2 - When I tried to power on my newly created appliance the following error popped up:

I was all sorts of confused as to why it wouldn't power on.  I turned to Duncan Epping and his blog.  I found a blog of his with the exact error and resolution:  Creating an IP-Pool.  I walked through the steps of his blog and the appliance started up without issue.

Thanks to Mr. Epping for the wonderful post:

Follow me on Twitter...

Why not?  @fieldingbr

Friday, June 14, 2013

Autolab Task 5 – Populate vCenter

Step 5 involves the running of a script on the desktop of the vCenter server to setup an HA and DRS cluster along with networking and datastores on the ESXi servers.  When you open up the script choose option 3. 

I have a habit (good\bad?) of right clicking on icons and selecting "Run as Administrator" when I am running an item. 

I was treated to a funny message when the #3 script started:
The script should not be 'Run As Administrator'
Just double click the shortcut

So....make a note.  Only double click the shortcut.  :)

Once the script is running, you will see the following screenshot showing the host being added to vCenter:

A few minutes later when the script is complete and run without error, you should see the following:

Ta-da!  Step 5 complete!  Your vCenter  should look similar to this:

I suggest going through the vCenter and hosts to see how things are configured via the C# client. 

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Autolab Task 4 – Build ESXi servers

Task 4 started off by powering on the ESX VMs and allowing them to PXE boot.  I simply chose the ESXi 5.1 Install and let 'er rip.  I did encounter the following error during the install.  I was expecting it because of my older server hardware and the inability to pass the Intel VT feature on to my VMs.

The following warnings were encountered while inspecting the system:

<HARDWARE_VIRTUALIZATION WARNING:  Hardware Virtualization is not a feature of the CPU, or is not enabled in the BIOS>

Screenshot of successful installation:

After the hosts rebooted, I made sure that they both had the correct static IP address:

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Very interesting find....Anti-malware testfile

I attended the #vBrownbag presentation this evening on deep security with vCNS.  Nick Fritsch presented and showed us a cool "tool" to see if your anti-malware software is working. 

The website is  Click on the "Anti-Malware Testfile" tab at the top and read on. 

Here is an excerpt:

The Anti-Malware Testfile This test file has been provided to EICAR for distribution as the "EICAR Standard Anti-Virus Test File", and it satisfies all the criteria listed above. It is safe to pass around, because it is not a virus, and does not include any fragments of viral code. Most products react to it as if it were a virus (though they typically report it with an obvious name, such as "EICAR-AV-Test").

The file is a legitimate DOS program, and produces sensible results when run (it prints the message "EICAR-STANDARD-ANTIVIRUS-TEST-FILE!").

It is also short and simple - in fact, it consists entirely of printable ASCII characters, so that it can easily be created with a regular text editor. Any anti-virus product that supports the EICAR test file should detect it in any file providing that the file starts with the following 68 characters, and is exactly 68 bytes long:  (SEE WEBSITE FOR FILE)
The first 68 characters is the known string. It may be optionally appended by any combination of whitespace characters with the total file length not exceeding 128 characters. The only whitespace characters allowed are the space character, tab, LF, CR, CTRL-Z. To keep things simple the file uses only upper case letters, digits and punctuation marks, and does not include spaces. The only thing to watch out for when typing in the test file is that the third character is the capital letter "O", not the digit zero.

"Intended use ° EICAR - European Expert Group for IT-Security ." Home ° EICAR - European Expert Group for IT-Security . N.p., 12 June 2013. Web. 12 June 2013. <>.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Autolab Task 3 - Build VC, vCenter server

The vCenter task was very straight forward and I didn't run into any serious issues.  All I ran into was adding the Windows sysprep files to the vCenter server.  Here is the location where the sysprep files need to reside:  c:\ProgramData\vmware\VMware VirtualCenter\sysprep

If you don't have the correct sysprep files downloaded, the validation script will fail.

If you are in need of the files, here is the link to the VMware KB article that lists the download locations: (KB1005593)

Here is a screenshot of the post build validation script:

Monday, June 10, 2013

Autolab Task 2 – Build DC, Windows Infrastructure

I found that when I started the DC build, I had to edit the guest settings and connect to the bios on next boot.  I had to change the boot order to CD-ROM\Floppy\HDD.  The default boot order wouldn't boot into the Windows Server 2008 iso.  Here is a screenshot of the error:

The next three screenshots are from the Domain Controller unattended install.

Here is a screenshot of the "validate" script that you run from the desktop of the Domain Controller post deploy:

Unintended consequence......

I’m working on an issue I’m seeing in my lab (more info to come soon) and needed to vMotion one of my guests from one host to another.  I received the following error:
Migrate virtual machine.  A general system error occurred:  The source detected that the destination failed to resume. 
Error Stack:  The VM failed to resume on the destination during early power on.

I researched the error on the internet and look what I found:

When I added 'vhv.enable = "TRUE" to the ect/VMware/config file back on June 9, I had no idea I would run into these issues.  I simply removed the line from the config file using vi and vMotion works again.  
Side note:
I had read on VMware's website about the 'vhv.enable = "TRUE" statement requiring a specific minimum hardware requirement.  My two hosts do not meet those requirements.  I added the lines to the config file just to see what would happen (note to self....see issues above).  :) 

Here is a screenshot of the message I received when I powered on one of the Autolab nested ESXi hosts after I had added the vhv.enable = "TRUE" line to the config file:

 I removed the line in the config file to fix my vMotion error and it, of course, fixed the Virtual Machine Question issue.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Autolab Task 1 - Prepare the prebuilt the fun begins

It was at this point that I ran into the issues with having the NAS VM on one host and the Router VM on another.  I fount it easiest to just migrate them to where they were both on the host that had the VMkernel port to allow access to the Build share on the NAS VM (obviously...right?). 

A requirement for the core lab is to populate the empty build share. 
  • I populated all of the ESX & VIM folders (prior and current versions)
  • For VMTools I mounted the VMTools install to one of my guests and copied the install files to the respective folder
  • I downloaded VMware-PowerCLI.exe from the VMware website.  Make sure you download the same version as compatible with your vCenter server.
  • Windows 2003 Server 32bit install ISO

Autolab Memory and VM Compatibility Version

After deploying the .ovf I decided to make a few adjustments to the virtual machines.  The base memory for each VM is setup so the core lab can run under VMware Workstation on an 8GB physical machine.  The two hosts I am using in my lab have 32GB memory each.  I increased the memory of each VM from the "minimum" specs to the "ideal" specs.

I also decided to upgrade the VM compatibility version from 8 to 9 before I moved forward with the lab.

Autolab - Important Pre-deployment Info:

Here are a few items from the install guide that I took note of prior to the deployment of the first box:

Install guide location:

Install used:  VMware ESXi

1 - Pay close attention to the setup of the default portgroup named Lab_Local. 
  • Promiscuous mode
  • VLAN ID 4095
  • VMkernel port on this network with IP
2 - The install document talks about the need to run a command on your ESXi hosts to pass the Intel VT or AMD V feature onto the VMs.  Pay close attention to the version of ESXi you will be using.
  • ESXi 5.0:  echo 'vhv.allow = "TRUE"' >> /etc/vmware/config
  • ESXi 5.1:  echo 'vhv.enable = "TRUE"' >> /etc/vmware/config
Here is a great link from Duncan Epping

Information from VMware about exposing VMware Hardware Assisted Virtualization in the vSphere Web Client
3 - I run an ESXi 5.1 two host cluster utilizing HA & DRS thus deciding to use the juice I have.  I deployed the "w\ DRS" Autolab.ovf.

Friday, June 7, 2013

In the beginning.....

I am very new to blogging so this will be a bit rocky in the beginning.  I wanted to find a place where I could blog about my quest to pass my VCAP-DCA.  I will also post my findings while walking through my use and setup of AutoLab.  Thus far?  Very impressed.  For anyone interested, here's the link: