Sunday, June 9, 2013

Autolab Task 1 - Prepare the prebuilt the fun begins

It was at this point that I ran into the issues with having the NAS VM on one host and the Router VM on another.  I fount it easiest to just migrate them to where they were both on the host that had the VMkernel port to allow access to the Build share on the NAS VM (obviously...right?). 

A requirement for the core lab is to populate the empty build share. 
  • I populated all of the ESX & VIM folders (prior and current versions)
  • For VMTools I mounted the VMTools install to one of my guests and copied the install files to the respective folder
  • I downloaded VMware-PowerCLI.exe from the VMware website.  Make sure you download the same version as compatible with your vCenter server.
  • Windows 2003 Server 32bit install ISO

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