Friday, June 14, 2013

Autolab Task 5 – Populate vCenter

Step 5 involves the running of a script on the desktop of the vCenter server to setup an HA and DRS cluster along with networking and datastores on the ESXi servers.  When you open up the script choose option 3. 

I have a habit (good\bad?) of right clicking on icons and selecting "Run as Administrator" when I am running an item. 

I was treated to a funny message when the #3 script started:
The script should not be 'Run As Administrator'
Just double click the shortcut

So....make a note.  Only double click the shortcut.  :)

Once the script is running, you will see the following screenshot showing the host being added to vCenter:

A few minutes later when the script is complete and run without error, you should see the following:

Ta-da!  Step 5 complete!  Your vCenter  should look similar to this:

I suggest going through the vCenter and hosts to see how things are configured via the C# client. 

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