Wednesday, June 19, 2013

VMware vCenter Log Insight

Today I installed VMware vCenter Log Insight in my lab.  I was introduced to it during the VMware VMTN Podcast last week.  Here is a link to the blog:

"VMware vCenter™ Log Insight™ delivers automated log management through log analytics, aggregation and search, extending VMware’s leadership in analytics to log data. With an integrated cloud operations management approach, it provides the operational intelligence and enterprise-wide visibility needed to proactively enable service levels and operational efficiency in dynamic hybrid cloud environments."  (VMware, 2013)   

I was very impressed at the ease of installation.  I was even more impressed at how easy it was to extract information from the collected log data.  Not 15 minutes after I started reviewing the data I found that I had an issue with disk latency that requires my attention. 

I was going to go through the installation in this blog but after going through the install using the "getting started guide" provided by VMware, why reinvent a perfectly formed wheel?  Below is the link to the guide.

Take a minute and join the VMware Community and download the beta.  It will be well worth your while.

References:  VMware. (2013). Vmware vcenter log insight. Retrieved from

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